Acceptable use policy.

Feb 06, 2022

Our acceptable use policy is a description of the types of activities that are not allowed on our network and, as such, forms part of our terms of use.

Lefoka reserves the right to request changes or disable, as necessary, any website, account, database, or any other component that does not comply with our established policies or to make any such modifications in an emergency at our sole discretion. To meet the changing needs of our customers, our business, the internet environment and the legal landscape, this policy may be revised at any time and we encourage our customers to review this policy regularly.

If you feel you have discovered a violation of any area of this policy, please let us know through our contact form

Spam and unsolicited email

Effective from February 5, 2022

Sending unsolicited commercial communication (including, but not limited to emails) is not permitted via Lefoka’s network.

Regardless of how the recipient's email address was acquired, if email communication was not explicitly requested or consented to by the recipient or if the recipient would not expect to receive it as a result of an existing relationship, the communication is considered unsolicited (this applies to communication sent to both personal email addresses and company email addresses).

Email communication that does not clearly originate from a consensual sender or which appears to come from a 3rd party or affiliate is considered unsolicited.

Examples of unsolicited communication:

Offensive content

Effective from February 5, 2022

Lefoka does not allow any of the following content or links to such content, to be published on its hosting systems:

If Lefoka in its sole discretion determines that any customer content violates any law, including the Film and Publications Act, 65 of 1966 or this policy, it may:

Misuse of account features

Effective from February 5, 2022

Misuse of account features include:

Shared systems and resource usage

Effective from February 5, 2022

Customers hosting on our shared environment may not use any shared system provided by Lefoka in a way that interferes with the normal operation of the shared system, or that consumes a disproportionate share of the system’s resources. For example, excessive server hits, excessive bandwidth usage, excessive disk usage, inefficient scripts or database queries may compromise other users of the shared hosting environment. Lefoka is authorised to suspend a user's account should it be found that excessive resource usage is negatively impacting on other customers of our shared hosting environment. In most cases, the examples below do not apply to Lefoka dedicated servers.

Server side processes

Effective from February 5, 2022

Server side processes include:

Internet abuse

Effective from February 5, 2022

You may not use our network to engage in illegal, abusive, or irresponsible behaviour, including:

Compliance with the acceptable use policies of any network or system with which you connect through our service is required. If inappropriate activity is detected, all accounts of the user in question will be deactivated until the investigation is complete. Prior notification to the user is not assured. In extreme cases, law enforcement will be contacted regarding the activity.


Effective from February 5, 2022

Lefoka customers must take reasonable security precautions. Negligence could result in the hacking of websites as well as compromised mailboxes due to vulnerable PCs, website software or the use of weak passwords, which could affect other Lefoka customers through blacklisting, phishing or spamming.

Disk usage

Effective from February 5, 2022

Disk usage include:

Traffic usage

Effective from February 5, 2022

Traffic usage include:

If you’d like to discuss your requirement in more detail, please make use of our contact form

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